⇒ one form per person • all the fields are mandatory • after submission Trimukhi Platform will contact you by email • if any delay send an email to nightoftheatre@trimukhiplatform.com
⇒ CONTRIBUTION FEE >> INR 3,000 (three thousand Indian rupees only) • it covers journey (220 km) from and to Kolkata, snack at arrival in the village, entrance to all the events of the festival and midnight dinner • payment of the contribution fee can be made online after registration or at Alliance Française du Bengale and MACE • there is no refund in case of cancelation by a guest
⇒ SPECIAL OFFER FOR BELLOW 30 YEARS OLD >> come in pair and get 50 % DISCOUNT (INR 1,500 each) >> after filling your registration forms send copy of your age proofs to <nightoftheatre@trimukhiplatform.com>
⇒ SPECIAL OFFER FOR GROUPS (online only) >> come 3 and pay for 2
NIGHT OF THEATRE n°12 will take place on Saturday March 7, 2020 in the tribal village of Borotalpada (West Bengal, India). The journey starts from Kolkata at noon on Saturday. Back the next day early morning. On the programme: a dance and music show, a dance-theatre-video performance in two different locations at the edge of the village, a shorter experimental theatre piece, two installations, a few happenings with action painting and unexpected poetry, a couple of sound interventions, one philosophical conversation, a midnight dinner and a multicultural dance party. At the helm of this crazy thing: the entire Trimukhi Platform creative team, a bunch of guests, all renown artists, thinkers and directors of Arts Centres from Europe and Latin America anxious to put in question their practice, as well as 18 families from the village of Borotalpada, quite very used to such a unique event. [The programme may be subject to change without prior notice.] ⇒ More…