composed & directed by Jean-Frédéric Chevallier in collaboration with Sukla Bar Chevallier performed by Jean-Frédéric Chevallier Ξ Renée Chevallier Ξ Joba Hansda Ξ Sukul Hansda & Surojmoni Hansda with extracts from the films “A Woman is a Woman” Ξ “Alphaville” Ξ “Nouvelle vague” Ξ “The Book of Images” & the interview “Meeting with a Legend” by Jean-Luc Godard inserted in “Mané 100” by Jean-Frédéric Chevallier Ξ artistic inputs by Joseph Danan & Amala Dianor Ξ produced by Suklar Bar Chevallier for Trimukhi Platform Ξ supported for the tour in France by Bordeaux Montaigne University Ξ Amala Dianor Company Ξ L’Alchimiste at Darwin & Taizé Community
to pay tribute to the filmmaker, Jean-Frédéric Chevallier designed and composed In Memoriam Jean-Luc Godard, a simple and moving device where film projection and choreographic intervention intertwine
showcased on 4th and 11th February 2023 at Trimukhi Cultural Centre in Borotalpada Santhal village during Night of Theatre n°14 ; on 23rd and 26th March 2023 at l’Alchimiste / Darwin in Bordeaux; on 11th April 2023 at Taizé Community in Burgundy, France
⇒ WATCH THE video TAKEN in Borotalpada / INDIA
⇒ WATCH THE video TAKEN in Bordeaux / France
Born in 2008 in Borotalpada, a tribal village in West Bengal, Trimukhi Platform has been dedicated to producing contemporary arts forms, building bridges between distant worlds and stimulating the invention of out-of-the-common thoughts. During 15 years, the collective has been bringing together families in this Santhal village around the French dance-theatre director and philosopher Jean-Frédéric Chevallier and the Bengali art producer and scenographer Sukla Bar.